Friday, October 06, 2006

GreasePencil doodle...

Baseball Pitcher on Vimeo

Just doodling with Jason Schleifer's GreasePencil tool for Maya. However, I didn't get time to make a 3d version of it...but I'm planning to make one soon...just for fun!


Jean-Denis Haas said...

Have you checked out the Student Winter Showcase from Animation Mentor?
There is a clip by Maciek Gliwa, which is exactly like your clip. Who got inspired by who here? :)
Either way, the animation is great!

Amrit Derhgawen said...

LOL! I made this a long time ago. I guess I'm the one who is inspired by these great AM students! Their work is always inspirational. Thanks, glad you like it. ;)
